5 reasons why breastfeeding is one of the greatest things ever

Breastfeeding is beautiful, breastmilk is incredible we all know that. But here are my most favourite parts of this whole journey!


1. Anytime anywhere - are you only two people away in line to get that frozen yoghurt you wanted all week on the hottest summer day, and your baby starts screaming bloody murder? Are you so tired that you forgot to pack your baby’s food on your lunch date with you best friend and you don’t want to reschedule (yet again)? Is your bus stuck in traffic and your baby’s feeding time is coming up? Should you have left your grandma’s birthday party half an hour ago to get home for bathtime, but your mom just can’t stop talking about “when you were little”? Nurse your baby! Right there. No muss, no fuss. Because you can.




2. It’s not just food – oh no, it is so much more! When that first (or last) tooth is breaking through. When she/he fell down the stairs. When a dog a scared her/him. When she/he just can’t calm down after a long day. When she/he needs comfort, a place to feel safe. When she/he has the highest of fever. Breastfeeding is the best you can do.


3. It changes to your baby’s needs – somehow our amazing body always knows what our child needs, so our breastmilk changes constantly. It is more watery in the hot summer days, more filling at night, has all the vitamins and nutritions during flue season… And the list goes on and on.


4. Self confidence booster for you – there is nothing like looking down on a chubby six month old knowing that the only food she/he has ever received came from your own body.


5. Money saver – do I need to explain? No need to buy formula and bottles. Just use your breast for what they were made for.


+1. Loose that baby weight faster and easier – breastfeeding requires an average of 500 extra calories per day. If that doesn’t convince you to nurse your baby, nothing will.

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