posts tagged: parenting

8 Best Things About Babywearing

Babywearing is something I knew about before Brendan was born but I always thought it is just another way of transporting your baby from A to B. Since becoming a mother the second time it transpired that is so much … Keep Reading…

5 reasons why breastfeeding is one of the greatest things ever

Breastfeeding is beautiful, breastmilk is incredible we all know that. But here are my most favourite parts of this whole journey!   1. Anytime anywhere – are you only two people away in line to get that frozen yoghurt you … Keep Reading…

How to be an attachment parent of more children

I have been learning about attachment parenting for a few years now. And I am quite a promoter of gentle parenting techniques. While I only had one child many people told me that „doing attachment parenting” is probably possible with … Keep Reading…

Mom and Baby Trousseau – In Attachment-parenting Fashion

I have given advise to a lot of women on what to pack into their hospital bag for their baby and for themselves. It wasn’t such a long list, but there were quite a few things on it. One mainly prepares … Keep Reading…