Ditch the Jars and Make Your Own Baby Food

Babies need twice as much store-bought food than homemade in order to be satisfied according to research conducted by the University of Glasgow. As convenient as it may be to simply open a jar of store-bought baby food prior to a feeding, it is hardly the best nutritional choice for your little bundle of joy. Although an increasing number of reputable baby foods are making their way onto the market, they simply cannot compete with the tasty, nutritious meals you can make yourself at home. If you want to ensure that your rapidly-developing infant gets all the necessary nutrients that aid growth and development while guarding against illness, you need to start making your own baby food right away.

It’s all about the food prep
When you buy store-bought baby food there is no way to really tell how the food was prepared. When you make your baby’s food yourself you have complete control over not only the ingredients but the cooking process as well. There are a number of ways you can cook your baby’s food before pureeing it.

Steaming & roasting are best
Steaming and roasting are undoubtedly the best ways to preserve the nutrients contained in food, which is exactly what you should be aiming for when producing your own homemade baby food. With a large variety of home steamers available on the market, steaming your chicken, fish, and veg has become easier than ever before. If your baby is more of a fussy eater you might want to consider roasting your veg instead as it will bring out their natural sweetness, making it more appealing to even the most discerning of baby palates. If you want to add variety to your little one’s diet consider cooking up a hearty stew in a crock pot before blending it into a nutritious pulp.


Benefits of making your own baby food
While there is no denying that homemade baby food is a lot more nutritious than most store-bought varieties, it is not the only benefit they have. Commercial baby foods tend to be extremely tasteless whereas the homemade variety is bursting with delicious, natural tastes. You are also completely in control of both the taste and the texture of the food, allowing you to introduce new flavors and consistencies to your child at regular intervals. Allowing your baby to become accustomed to unprocessed food will also instill a love for it from a young age that will continue to benefit his health right through adulthood.
As mom’s our biggest priority in life is to ensure that our children grow up healthy and happy. By instilling good eating habits in them from a young age we provide them with the best possible chance to meet all their physical and emotional milestones while fighting off illness like the precious little soldiers they are.

Alicia Rennoll

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