5+1 misbelieves about C-section

There is lots of misleading information going around about C-sections. It’s time to get a few things right.  Let’s see some of the most common misbelieves.    1. C-section is the easier way  Having a planned C-section really means that you … Keep Reading…

How to be an attachment parent of more children

I have been learning about attachment parenting for a few years now. And I am quite a promoter of gentle parenting techniques. While I only had one child many people told me that „doing attachment parenting” is probably possible with … Keep Reading…

5 babywearing tips to have mommy time every single day

The super weapon, the one and only way to survive: BABYWEARING Your little one is clingy? He’s teething? Having a rough day? Wants do be held all day? Babywearing to the rescue! You can surprise yourself with unexpected freedom and … Keep Reading…

Mom and Baby Trousseau – In Attachment-parenting Fashion

I have given advise to a lot of women on what to pack into their hospital bag for their baby and for themselves. It wasn’t such a long list, but there were quite a few things on it. One mainly prepares … Keep Reading…

Attachment Parenting is a Mentality – The Soother

Attachment parenting is a mentality, a lifestyle, an attitude. Breastfeeding on demand, co-sleeping, baby wearing – all of them are its important ingredients. It is essential that the mother, her attention and care is not replaced by gadgets. You don’t … Keep Reading…

Babywearing and Baby Development

You Can Boost your Baby’s Learning by Babywearing. It is all over child care books and the internet, that children’s development must be supported from the time they are foetuses through every stage of their growing up, otherwise, they will … Keep Reading…

What to do with my new freedom? – Stretchy Wrap tutorial

My tiny baby is getting tired soon. Oh, Gosh, I will then rock him asleep and he will wake up if I put him down. Again. This will never end. I will always be stuck under him in nap time. … Keep Reading…

Letter to Mum

Dear Mum, Probably, you find it strange that I send you this note now. It is a rather personal message and I wanted to make it clear. I spent nights to compose it and threw many drafts away. I really … Keep Reading…

Carrying and Breastfeeding

Finally, you have managed to get rid off cultural pressure, and you realized the real needs of your baby. The first priority for your child is cuddling and breastfeeding, everything else is secondary. Babywearing is a perfect choice if you … Keep Reading…

Humans are Marsupial, Indeed

  A mom is waiting in line at the checkout, her 3 month old baby is sleeping in a front baby carrier.  Just in front of them, there is another mom with a little girl, who is about three years … Keep Reading…