posts from category: In the Family

Is Home Birthing Right For Me?

The science behind planned home births may surprise you: in the Netherlands, roughly 16.3% of all childbirths occur in private homes, a trend spreading throughout other countries in Europe. Home births offer future mums added control over their surroundings, both in terms … Keep Reading…

Baby on Board II – Summer is now

Imagine, for nearly a week we are on the road again. And we feel fantastic! We are carried by the love of all the amazing people who wrote us since we started our new adventure. Thank you all very much! … Keep Reading…

5+1 things nobody told you about the last months of pregnancy

Pregnancy is beautiful, pregnancy is a blessing. But the third trimester is something different. Here’s a list of my “favourite” parts of the last few weeks of expecting.  1. Don’t even try cutting your toenails. Even if you can reach … Keep Reading…

How to be an attachment parent of more children

I have been learning about attachment parenting for a few years now. And I am quite a promoter of gentle parenting techniques. While I only had one child many people told me that „doing attachment parenting” is probably possible with … Keep Reading…

Mom and Baby Trousseau – In Attachment-parenting Fashion

I have given advise to a lot of women on what to pack into their hospital bag for their baby and for themselves. It wasn’t such a long list, but there were quite a few things on it. One mainly prepares … Keep Reading…

Attachment Parenting is a Mentality – The Soother

Attachment parenting is a mentality, a lifestyle, an attitude. Breastfeeding on demand, co-sleeping, baby wearing – all of them are its important ingredients. It is essential that the mother, her attention and care is not replaced by gadgets. You don’t … Keep Reading…

Letter to Mum

Dear Mum, Probably, you find it strange that I send you this note now. It is a rather personal message and I wanted to make it clear. I spent nights to compose it and threw many drafts away. I really … Keep Reading…

In Daddy’s Arms

Being with the baby is entirely different through a father’s eyes. It is more difficult since it is not assisted by hormones and bodily senses of pregnancy. And it is easier since there is a way out. When he says … Keep Reading…

The World through Daddy’s Eyes

  „I am hurrying home, waiting in a long line of cars at a red light. We are rolling a bit, then red light again. The journey seems like an eternity. My mind revolves only around her. Her soft hair, … Keep Reading…